We want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make the most of this exciting opportunity for your professional development. Below are some common questions and answers regarding the platform.
What is the Learning Management System (LMS)?
A Learning Management System (LMS) is an online platform designed to facilitate training and development within our organisation. It will provide access to a variety of learning resources, courses, and training materials, enabling employees to enhance their skills and knowledge at their own pace. This is linked to Broad Strategic Goal 3: Pursue Excellence in Talent Development.
Why an LMS?
The LMS will streamline our training processes, making it easier for employees to access learning materials, track their progress, and engage in continuous professional development. It will also allow us to offer a wider range of courses and resources tailored to your needs. Our LMS is called CSC Online.
Access and Login
How do I access the LMS (CSC Online)?
Go to csconline.gov.ky in a web browser on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Click on the SSO button to be automatically logged in.
If you are not on the CIG network, you will be prompted to enter your username and password - be sure to use your CIG username and password (i.e., the username and password used to log in to your computer).
Special Instructions:
If you are in Ministry of Education, Department of Tourism or Parliament, click ‘Forgot your Password’. You will be prompted to enter your email address and click send. An automatic email will be sent with instructions to set a new password. Thereafter, you will use your CIG username and new password.
Note: If using a group email with gov.ky, you are not able to use SSO as the email address does not belong to an individual. You will, therefore, need to enter the login details.
What should I do if I forget my password?
If you have SSO access (see “How do I access the CSC Online”), you do not need to enter a password, simply click the SSO button to log in. You will not be able to change your password from CSC Online as the password is the same as for your network login. You will need to follow the steps you would when required to update your network password.
If you are in Ministry of Education, Department of Tourism or Parliament, click ‘Forgot your Password’. You will be prompted to enter your email address and click send. An automatic email will be sent with instructions to set a new password.
If you encounter any issues, contact the CSC Online Administrator at csc@gov.ky.
Course Owner Access
I am responsible for training for my ministry/department. Why can’t I create training on CSC Online?
You will need to be trained in how to set up and manage your courses on the platform. As such, you will be given that access once you have completed the training. Please complete this form and a memebr of the CSC team will contact youto arrange training. It is best to set up this session when you are ready to upload your courses to the platform.
Course Offerings
What types of courses will be available on CSC Online?
CSC Online will offer a diverse range of courses. Currently, the courses available include:
- CIG mandatory and compliance training
- Selected LinkedIn Learning courses and pathways connected to CIG’s core competencies
- Leadership and management training – e.g., ILM
- Industry-specific knowledge – e.g., project management, change management
- Other courses offered by other ministries and departments will be gradually added. The full list of trainings offered CIG-wide will be available by the end of 2025.
How can externally-offered courses organised by CIG be managed in CSC Online?
For example, courses such as First Aid training that is organised internally for employees but offered by the Red Cross.
There are two ways in which this can be managed:
- If there is someone mainly responsible for organising each of these courses within CIG, then these course organisers can setup the courses within CSC Online and manage registration and completion. This would automatically add the course(s) to the profile of employees who took them.
- The organiser could utilise the option of employees uploading the details to their own training profile once they have completed the training (using the Add External Training option found on the My Learning page of their profile – see instructions in the Training Guides section below).
Important Note: Uploading certificates or any other documentation is NOT mandatory.
Can I suggest courses for CSC Online?
Absolutely! We encourage you to share your suggestions for courses that you believe would benefit your colleagues. Please send your ideas to your L&D team or the CSC teams at csc@gov.ky.
Tracking Progress
How can I track my learning progress?
You can view all your progress on your My Learning page. You can see all your courses/learning paths that are in progress, enrolled in but not started, completed, failed, passed and awaiting approval.

Will my progress be visible to my manager?
Yes, managers will have access (by Q3 2025) to reports that show their team members' progress and training history on the platform. This transparency helps facilitate discussions about professional development and career growth.
Will my progress be visible to my HR representative?
Yes, HR representatives will have access to assign the relevant mandatory and compliance trainings and to run report on completion rates of the relevant trainings.
Training History
Can I add external trainings that I have completed?
Yes. You can add external trainings (that is, training events you attended that were not offered by CIG) such conferences, workshops, professional certifications (e.g., SHRM, CIPD) to your training history. This can be done from your My Learning page using the Add External Training button. See the related article for the steps for completing the form.

Can I download my training history?
Yes. You can download your training history as a PDF document from your My Learning page using the Download Training History button.

Why am I not seeing trainings I have done since starting CIG?
We are still working with ministries and departments to upload training history. When this data is uploaded, only data from 2023 onwards will be loaded. It is also the decision of this ministries/departments whether they want historical data uploaded.
Why am I not seeing some of the mandatory and compliance trainings I completed before October 2024 in my training history?
Before CSC Online was implemented, you might have completed certain mandatory and compliance trainings. However, it’s important to understand why these historical completions might not be visible in the new system:
Data Migration and Course Updates:
- During the transition to the platform, historical training data—such as completion records—needs to be migrated from the old system to the new one. Sometimes, due to technical limitations of the previous system, data was not captured in a manner that is transferrable to the new platform.
- Additionally, if courses have been updated—perhaps to reflect regulatory changes, best practices, or organisational policies—you may need to retake them. These updates ensure that everyone benefits from the most current information.
- Think of it like software updates: You wouldn’t want to run an outdated version with known issues when a newer, improved version is available.
Compliance Requirements:
- Compliance training often has legal implications. To maintain compliance with regulations, employees must stay up-to-date with the latest content.
- By retaking the courses, you ensure that you’re aware of any recent changes and can apply them effectively in your role.
Tracking Accuracy:
- Starting fresh with CSC Online allows for accurate tracking of training progress. It ensures that everyone’s records are consistent and reliable.
- If historical completions were automatically carried over, discrepancies might arise, leading to confusion or compliance gaps.
Remember that this process benefits everyone by ensuring alignment with the latest standards and knowledge. Check with your HR/L&D representative to ensure you are compliant with the relevant required training.
LinkedIn Learning
Will I still have access to LinkedIn Learning?
Yes. While a great number of LinkedIn Learning courses will be available within the CSC Online, you can still access the full range of LinkedIn Learning catalogue by logging into that platform. You will also need to be logged in to LinkedIn Learning to complete those courses on CSC Online.
Note: Courses completed from within LinkedIn Learning will not have the completion history transferred to CSC Online. To have your LinkedIn Learning completion history recorded on CSC Online, you need to access the course from within CSC Online.
If there is a specific course that you want to complete and cannot locate on CSC Online, contact the CSC Online administrator at csc@gov.ky.
Do I need a LinkedIn Learning account to access LinkedIn Learning content on CSC Online?
Yes. Although some LinkedIn Learning content will be imported to CSC Online, you will still need a LinkedIn Learning account to access their content sitting on our platform. You will also need to be logged in to LinkedIn Learning to complete those courses on CSC Online.
To set up a LinkedIn Learning account, contact csc@gov.ky.
I am completing LinkedIn Learning courses through CSC Online but they are not being marked as complete. Why is that happening?
To ensure the LinkedIn Learning courses you do through CSC Online are marked as complete on CSC Online, it's essential that the work email address associated with your LinkedIn Learning account (not your personal LinkedIn professional profile) matches the email address on CSC Online. If these email addresses do not align, your LinkedIn Learning course progress may not be accurately reflected on CSC Online.
If you are having this issue, please contact us at csc@gov.ky and confirm the below:
- Your current email address
- Any previous CIG/SAG work email addresses
Support and Resources
What support is available if I need help with the platform?
We are committed to ensuring that you have a smooth experience with CSC Online. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to your Learning Champion or the CSC team (csc@gov.ky). You can also access training guides (see the section below these FAQs and the “How To” video here.
Special sessions will be offered to course owners to train you on how to set up and manage your courses on the portal. Please complete this form to book a training session. It is best to setup this session when you are ready to upload your courses to the platform.
How can I provide feedback about the platform?
We value your feedback! You can send you feedback to csc@gov.ky.