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DFA Appeals Process

An applicant or a recipient who is aggrieved by, or dissatisfied with, the decision of the Director in respect to an application for reconsideration may, within twenty-eight working days of the communication of the decision of the Director, appeal against the decision of the Director to the Appeals Tribunal.  

The appeal should be done in writing and signed by or on behalf of the appellant and filed with the secretary to the Appeals Tribunal and addressed to the Appeals Tribunal.  The appeal should be submitted in a sealed envelope or via email to (email address to the decided). 

The Appeal is to contain the following particulars:

The Appellant's name.

The Appellant's address. 

The address to which documents in connection with the matter should be sent to the appellant.

The decision against which the appeal is made.

The grounds for the appeal; and 

Whether or not the appellant wishes to be heard personally or by a representative.


The Appeals Tribunal shall make a decision no later than twenty-eight working days after the hearing, and the reasons for said decisions shall be communicated in writing to an appellant and the Director.  However, where the appellant or Director is aggrieved by a decision of the Appeals Tribunal, the appellant or the Director, within twenty-eight days after the decision is communicated, may appeal to the Grand Court against the decision on a point of law only.