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What is proof of expenses?

To prove expenses, you must supply the most recent bills available (i.e. those for the current month).

    1. Copies of all official bills or invoices for the current month should be provided. Examples: electricity bill, water bill, post-paid phone bill, internet bill, credit card statement, preschool invoice.
    2. Mortgage - Copy of bank statement or mortgage profile from your bank.
    3. Rent - Copy of lease agreement. If residing with others then a signed letter of accommodation indicating you reside there and what your contribution is, if any, should be submitted along with a copy of that person’s identification.
    4. Letter of employment along with a copy of identification for
    5. caretakers/helpers/nannies.
    6. Maintenance - Copy of court order or signed letter with identification of the person paying maintenance.
    Proof of expenses, where persons caring for disabled persons have demonstrated that the care for these persons contributes to the household's deficit


  • It is not necessary to submit bills for food, transportation (gas, bus fare, etc.), propane, laundry or prepaid telephone (top-up).
  • Receipts are only acceptable for money transfers but not acceptable for any other monthly expense.